What Birthstone Jewelry Means to a Loved One
Posted on October 10 2017
Every month of the year is associated with a precious stone, and birthstone jewelry is the perfect gift to show a loved one how much you care about her. From birthstone bracelets to custom birthstone rings, there are a wide array of options available, and each stone means something unique and beautiful.
Meaning of Birthstones
If your loved one is interested in the zodiac or simply all things metaphysical, then she will delight in learning what her birthstone means. Each one is different and comes with a different interpretation.
- January – Garnet: This is a deep red stone that symbolizes gorgeous beauty, passion and love.
- February – Amethyst: Amethyst symbolizes protection, which is why at one time only royalty could wear the stone.
- March – Aquamarine: Some people believe wearing aquamarine will increase the person’s happiness and revitalize married love.
- April – Diamond: Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but they also embody eternal love, innocence and purity.
- May – Emerald: This green gem was often worn by Cleopatra and signifies patience, rebirth and wisdom.
- June – Pearl: For years, pearls have been linked with fruitful marriages as well as calming restless minds.
- July – Ruby: In the past, it was believed rubies could ward off evil spirits. Today, they are associated with strength, success and harmony.
- August – Peridot: A peridot was also thought to keep evil spirits at bay. It symbolizes strength.
- September – Sapphire: Sapphires have come to represent wisdom and purity, which is why they were once a favorite of kings and clergy.
- October – Opal: Opals were once thought to cleanse the body. Today, they represent hope.
- November – Topaz: Topaz stones support good mental health and are believed to provide good luck to travelers.
- December – Turquoise: Turquoise stones have come to symbolize good fortune and a happy life.
Birthstone jewelry makes for the perfect gift for loved ones, and Dana Seng Jewelry has an expansive collection consisting of all types of stones. Make an appointment to visit our Los Angeles showroom by calling us at 213-265-7152.